Right now, thousands of tree care companies are fighting for that # 1 Google ranking that supposedly “solves their cash flow problems.”
But that’s only a piece of the puzzle.
Several years ago, the owner of a tree care company came to me, frustrated that the SEO company he hired didn’t get them much business.
They got him ranked on the first page, but their efforts didn’t lead to a noticeable increase in service calls.
He wasted thousands of dollars.
Getting more website traffic is only half the battle. Once they arrive, you have to sell them on calling you to make the appointment!
How? By focusing on the key marketing activities that generate 80% of the results.
Here they are:
Realize that potential customers are not buying pruning, tree and stump removal, spraying, cabling and bracing, or any other service you provide.
What they are really buying is their way out of discomfort.
Don’t just talk about what you do. Identify with their “biggest pain.”
Tell customers exactly what is being offered.
One of my favorite offers is Domino’s Pizza’s. For years, they advertised, “fresh, hot pizza delivered in 30 minutes or less, or it’s free.”
Their offer resonated so much that they became one of North America’s premier pizza franchises.
Why? Because the company identified with their customer’s need for quick, reliable delivery and satisfied that desire. You can do the same with your business. It’s all about satisfying your customer’s desires.
Similarly, when potential customers visit your website, they should be able to tell in 3-5 seconds why you’re different and why they should call you right now.
Prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can do the job.
Imagine that you’re a prosecutor, standing in a courtroom. You have 2 minutes to prove that you’re legit. What would you say?
Selling on your website is a lot like being in a courtroom. Your prospects are skeptical. You need to show to them that you’re not “that guy.”
Get them to take action.
Assuming you’ve proven that you’re legit, your next job is to get them to take action.
Give them a powerful reason why they should pick up the phone to call you right now.
Not quite sure how to do any of this?
That’s what I do – I’ll help you to identify your customers’ pain points, clarify your offer to them, define what sets you apart from the competition and determine what you can do to get prospects to call you.